Dj Иван Тодоров

Значението на професионалния DJ за вашето събитие, сватба или юбилей!

Значението на професионалния DJ за вашето събитие, сватба или юбилей!

Организацията на всяко събитие, независимо дали става въпрос за сватба, корпоративно събитие или голямо парти, включва множество детайли, които трябва да бъдат съчетани в перфектна хармония. Един от ключовите елементи, които ще създадат правилната атмосфера и ще оставят незабравими спомени у гостите, е музиката. И тук идва ролята на професионалния DJ – не просто човек, който пуска песни, а експерт, който знае как да накара всяко събитие да бъде истински успех.

1. Създаване на правилната атмосфера
Професионалният DJ не е просто човек, който следва готов плейлист. Той притежава умението да усети атмосферата на събитието и да я надгражда постепенно, като съчетава правилната музика с важните моментите. Един добър DJ знае кога и как да изгради плавен преход между различните фази на събитието.

2. Четене на публиката
Едно от най-важните умения на професионалния DJ е способността да „чете“ публиката. Музиката не е универсална – тя трябва да бъде адаптирана към предпочитанията на гостите и към настроението на вечерта. DJ-ят трябва да може да забележи как реагират хората на определени стилове музика и точния усет и умения са гаранция, че дансингът винаги ще пълен и хората ще се забавляват.

3. Оборудване и качество на звука
Професионалният DJ не разчита на бюджетни системи и непрофесионално оборудване. Той инвестира в качествено озвучаване и техника, за да гарантира, че звукът ще бъде кристално чист, независимо от големината на помещението или броя на гостите. Това е изключително важно за всеки тип събитие – лошото качество на звука може лесно да развали впечатлението, дори и от най-добре подбраната музика.

4. Специални моменти
На всяко събитие, особено на сватби и корпоративни събития, има специални моменти, които трябва да бъдат подчертани с правилната музика. Професионалният DJ е наясно с тези важни моменти и знае как да подложи подходящата музика, за да ги направи още по-запомнящи се – влизането на младоженците в залата, анонс на кумовата реч, първият танц на младоженците, връчването на награди или специални обявления на събитията.

5. Гъвкавост и персонализиране на плейлиста
Професионалните дисководещи разполагат с огромна музикална колекция и могат да адаптират музикалния избор спрямо предпочитанията на клиента и специфичния контекст на събитието. Те са отворени към индивидуални заявки и могат да персонализират плейлиста така, че той да отразява вкусовете както на домакините, така и на гостите. Способността на диджея да бъде гъвкав и да отговори на музикалните предпочитания на всички е от ключово значение за успеха на събитието.

6. Опит и професионализъм
Един професионален DJ не просто пускач на музика – той работи с екипа на събитието, координира техническите аспекти и винаги има план „Б“ за всяка непредвидена ситуация. Опитът му помага да избегне евентуални технически проблеми, да поддържа високо ниво на забавление и да осигури гладко протичане на събитието. Работата на диджея изисква както технически умения, така и добро управление на времето /следване на сценария/ и комуникацията с останалите колеги.

7. Завършекът на всяко събитие
Финалът на всяко събитие е от решаващо значение – той е моментът, който остава най-дълго в съзнанието на гостите. Професионалният DJ знае как да направи този момент специален и да завърши събитието подобаващо. Независимо дали е тих, романтичен завършек или голям финал с енергична музика, DJ-ят знае как да създаде правилната атмосфера, която да остави трайни спомени в аудиторията.

Най-важната роля на професионалния DJ е да превърне музикалното оформление на вашето събитие в незабравимо преживяване. Независимо дали става въпрос за сватба, парти или корпоративно събитие, професионалният DJ не само ще пусне музика – той ще създаде атмосфера, която ще задоволи всички гости и ще накара всички да се забавляват. Изборът на правилния DJ е инвестиция в успеха на вашето събитие.

DJ Ivan Todorov

Валерия и Иван

Валерия и Иван 14.09.24г.

DJ Иван Тодоров е страхотен професионалист с много богат опит в перфектното провеждане на сватбена програма. На нашата сватба успя да привлече на дансинга и най-костеливите гости. Много е гъвкав в подбора на музиката и добър в импровизации, където е необходимо. Със сигурност направи празника ни още по-специален. Ванка, искаме с Иван сърдечно да ти благодарим за страхотно проведената програма и за професионализма. Всички останаха очаровани, най-вече ние! 10/10

Vesela and George

Весела и Георги
Весела и Георги

Dear Ivan 

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful party you created for us! Our wedding turned into an incredible celebration - full of smiles, good moods and dancing until dawn! He had chosen the music exactly as we imagined it, and he complied with our wishes in the program! It created a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere - all the guests relaxed and danced! The foreigners were very impressed that he hosted the program in English and are still talking everywhere about the unique wedding party they attended in Bulgaria!

Thank you! May you always stay this friendly, calm and cheerful!

Vesela & George!

Tanya & Sebastian


Hi Ivan. Hope you are all well. We are back in England now. The wedding was absolutely perfect and all the guest have been blown away!
We just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your hard work and support. You made the party just perfect!
We wish you all the best for the future 😊

5 tips how to ge your guest on the floor


Five tips on how to get your wedding guests on the dance floo

You can agree that it would be very unpleasant if the dance floor remained empty at your wedding. After all, it is a very important day when both newlyweds and guests should be happy and have fun.

You should take care in advance so that the dance floor does not remain empty at your wedding! Here are five tips to help you:

Tip #1: Choose a good wedding DJ

That sounds quite logical. Surely you, dear bride, know this. But there's also no doubt that many of you have attended weddings where they underestimated the role of the DJ, and the results were not impressive. So be very careful when choosing the DJ for your party! Seek advice from ex-brides, friends, family or a wedding planner… Meet with the DJ you plan to hire to make sure you like their vibe. Read all the reviews you can find online. If you intend to hire live music for your wedding, again, the services of a professional wedding DJ will not be superfluous - this will surely lift the mood and increase the desire of the guests to dance.

After all, the main reason to hire a professional DJ is precisely that he will know how to entertain the attendees because, over time and experience, he has mastered the art of controlling the crowd and understanding what they need - a change of pace, a different genre and a series of little tricks to invite them to the dance floor.

Tip #2: You should dance too!

This is especially important! Your guests will feel embarrassed to hit the dance floor if the bride and groom aren't there. Why? They will be worried because they don't know what the plans are - a dance for the newlyweds, for their parents, cutting the cake... They will be afraid of missing one of these moments or of being on the dance floor at the wrong time! So when it's time for the dancing to begin, be sure to dance too! Your guests will be thrilled to see you enjoying your celebration and won't be able to resist dancing along with the happy couple.

Tip #3: Create a schedule for your wedding day!

Prepare a schedule (script) in which you mention all the important moments, such as the wedding dance, dancing with the bride, and toasting with the guests... Leave this list to the DJ to let the guests know what's next - this way, everyone will feel safe and calm that they will not mess up your plans in some way, and you'll be pleased with a coherent, well-organized celebration.

 Tip #4: Choose an appropriately sized restaurant/dance floor!

Have you ever attended a wedding where the dance floor is so small that it looks like there is no room for more people to fit on it? This will inevitably make them reluctant to join those already dancing. Have you ever been to a wedding where it's so huge that even though many of the guests are dancing, you feel like it's empty? Do you know how to figure out what size dance floor you need? A general rule of thumb is to assume that only half of your guests will be dancing at the same time. For example, if you are planning a small wedding with 35 people, a 5×5 dance floor will be perfect. If the celebration will be bigger - say, with 150 people, think about a big dance floor

Tip #5: Let your guests choose songs!

A great way to make sure your wedding guests will be dancing is to give them a chance to suggest their favorite tracks! For example, each of the guests can choose one song! If there are tracks that bring up bad memories, you can give the DJ a list and warn him that he needs to find an excuse if someone orders any of those songs.

Follow these tips to make sure your guests are on the dance floor all night long.

DJ Ivan Todorov

How to chose good DJ on your wedding day?


How to pick a good DJ for your wedding celebration

If you're planning your wedding, you'll probably come across a lot of offers for DJ services that will sound enticing. This makes it quite difficult for you to choose, yet you certainly want the best for that day. Here are a few things to keep an eye out for when choosing a DJ for your wedding to ensure your satisfaction:

My first piece of advice would be to look for a real specialist in the field. After all, you don't need a person who just plays music, but one who will make the event unforgettable, the guests will leave satisfied, and he will create the mood the whole time…

Don't be tempted to settle for the cheapest offer because, in all likelihood, the price will come at the expense of quality , and you're unlikely to be satisfied. Good sound equipment and the skills of a real professional would cost a little more, but the atmosphere of the wedding will be much better!

When choosing a DJ, ask how long he has been doing it. This does not mean when he has been playing music at gatherings with his friends, but more so when he is sought out for events as a professional and how often he has events. Of course, this doesn't mean that a novice DJ can't perform well, and the more inexperienced shouldn't be given a chance, but when it comes to your wedding day, the event is too important to risk screwing up because of a bad choice. It is best to bet on an experienced person who really knows what he is doing and how to entertain guests.

Ask the DJ you are considering hiring for your wedding about their specific experience . They may be an established name and have been in the business for years but have only worked in clubs, for example, which, in turn, could mean that they will likely not perform as well at another type of event.

Ask the DJ if he has his own professional website. There, you'll probably be able to see photos of him in action, a description of what he exactly does, and maybe some music samples and playlist ideas. This will give you a more concrete idea of his work.

Another very important thing when choosing a DJ is what equipment he will use. The skill and quality of the sound equipment are essential to how satisfied you will be with your wedding party

Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions:

s he a professional? Can he offer you a written contract? Can he apply recommendations to his work? Is there a form to fill out special music requests? Does he respond to emails or calls in a timely manner? Does he strictly follow the agreements? Are there employees or assistants?

If the person in front of you is a real professional,he will not be embarrassed and will answer all of them. If he's not, he's probably not the one you need...

DJ Ivan Todorov

10 Questions To Ask Your Wedding DJ


10 Questions To Ask Your Wedding DJ

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Now, you have the responsibility of securing a professional team to take care of the big day, including a wedding DJ. Choosing a good DJ is essential because the atmosphere and the mood of the wedding celebration will largely depend on him. Here are ten questions you should ask him to find out if he is promising enough:

1. How did you get into this field? – This is an introductory question, thanks to which you will learn a little about his background, as well as his motivation for taking up this profession. Find out what events he most often DJs at and how long he's been doing it.

2. What is your style? – The best option is to find a DJ whose preferences match yours. It is also a very good choice to settle on a person who combines different styles without a problem.

3. How many weddings were you a DJ at in the past year? – This will give you a better idea of what experience the wedding DJ has. It will also help you find out how many people trust him.

4. Do you have backup options if something happens to the laptop during the celebration? – It is important to ask the DJ about spare equipment that the professional should always carry for the events.

5. What is your approach to music selection for a wedding celebration? – This question will reveal how flexible the DJ is in terms of music selection, as well as what types of music he prefers. Ask what kind of music they have, what styles they have, how they transition from one piece to another, and anything else that excites you about the songs that will be played on your wedding day.

6. Are you provided with all the necessary equipment? – Experienced professional DJs usually have everything they need, unlike beginners who often lack something.

7. Can you provide references? – An experienced professional who has DJed many weddings will be able to show you a large pile of accolades and testimonials. This way you will be sure that your wedding celebration will go as well as possible.

8. Do you provide assistance in the planning process? – A real, good professional will be able to give you advice and guidance related to the musical organization of your wedding. He has observations on people's preferences and how they react when playing different music.

9. Do you have someone to stand in for you in case you cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances? – This is of utmost importance because something surprising can always happen, and you can't afford unforeseen events that ruin all your plans for the big day, right?

10. Can you give more details about pricing? – Ask about the prices separately for the different services you are interested in and about the final price. When choosing a DJ for your wedding, keep in mind that the cheapest option is hardly the best.

Are we adding sound or…?


Are we adding sound or…?

I can't pass up this long-standing topic related to fellow DJs and sound producers. I deeply respect the profession of these people who spend hours catering to the incessant demands of drunken and well-leavened guests at an event who often spill drinks on the counters and mumble unintelligibly. The DJ I worked with for 15 years takes these events so calmly that I often wonder if he himself is mentally clocked in and normal. But I realize that it all probably depends on the routine. But whatever my routine is, with so many events, it is difficult for me to live through the common occurrence of the guest who has had a little too much to drink and who does not consider that the equipment is an expensive thing and that it must be taken care of.

The newlyweds want loud music so they can let loose on the dance floor, yet opposite the DJ is the maddened aunt of the bride, who wants the music turned down drastically because she "can’t hear herself!!!". What should we do? Increase or decrease? Should we listen to the newlyweds, or should we listen to the aunt? You're going crazy!

And this is still only the beginning of the celebration. Towards the middle, when the guests are already a few drinks down, the real communication begins. If that's what we can call the verbal correspondence from the guests. The newlyweds clearly indicated what kind of music they wanted and what should be avoided, even if some of the guests also made claims against the unwanted style. But no! They don't understand! You politely tell them that the newlyweds have certain requirements for the style of the music, but they continue to stomp in one place. They threaten to fire the DJ, behave rudely and without restraint or often with lines "Do you know who I am?" Well, regardless of who the guest is, there are newlyweds who pay for the service and, accordingly, "order the music".

Suppose there is a way to deal with everything. Patience! Patience! And again...Patience! The ultimate goal is for the event to pass under the auspices of excellent mood and fun.

The topic of our conversation leads us to another problem that often affects Wedding events. Namely, the participation of a group or performer in the program of the celebration.

I'm sure that it is clear to everyone that the participation of a group or performer requires a sound system in order to have a constant clear sound that surrounds the entire venue - restaurant, hall, terrace, etc. places. Well, this clear sound requires specific knowledge. But in order to make a proposal for sounding a band, for example, we need to get to know the group’s technical requirements. These technical requirements are usually obtained in writing from the group. They must specifically state the following: number of participants in the group; types of instruments; desire for free space to place the group/instruments; and, of course, technical requirements – columns, console, inputs/outputs, and other details. Based on the information provided, the DJ /many DJs can also provide sound for bands and artists if they have the necessary equipment or can hire it/ or the sound producer can provide an offer to the newlyweds with a specified value for sounding the band.

And here it begins

"Well, DJ has already made a proposal. Why do we have to pay extra for the sound of the band?'

"But can't the DJ sound the band with the sound he suggested for the restaurant?

"But we don't have the budget anymore, and the DJ will have to sound the band as best he can, but without money."

"We are paying for our own wedding and are very careful about what we spend money on. We don’t have enough for sound!”

"But can't something be done so we don't have to pay for sound?"


And also…

"Well, the performer will bring his own sound system."

"A performer doesn’t need all that much."

"You guys figure it out when you’re there and let the performer deal with what he has. We’re paying him, after all!”


Yes, but no! It doesn't work! It is important to know that a DJ offering his services for a given Wedding Event has assessed the sound engineering only for the purposes of his particular work – i.e. playing music / I try to explain in simple terms so as not to delve into technical statements that will make it difficult for people who do not have knowledge in the field to understand/ The DJ inspects the location if he is not already familiar with it/ and based on this inspection, during which the size of the room is estimated; the number of guests who will stay in this room; need for cables to draw electricity; locations for placing the columns, etc. he submits an offer with a specified value for certain hours and additional ones /depends on how he creates his offers/.

It is important to know that voicing bands and artists /to do so professionally and without unnecessary compromises that will disappoint the sound quality and, perhaps, the expectations of the artists or band members/ requires a lot more technique than is normally provided for simply sounding the room for the music to be played and the DJ speaking at key moments/rituals during the event. Any compromise with the sound of bands and artists is a huge mistake that newlyweds often make, despite the recommendations of the Event Organizer or the DJs and Sound Engineers themselves, if they are in direct contact with the newlyweds. Everything seems very easy and simple to them. But this is far from the case!

And here’s one of those scenarios…

"The performer will bring a sound system for his performance. DJ won't care to deal with it, so let the value of his services be adjusted.'' Said and done! The value is adjusted with the clear knowledge that the DJ will not have a commitment to the sound.

On the wedding day…

The artist comes with a console that he plugs into the DJ's equipment and leaves the console to the DJ, of course, as everything goes through the speakers that he provides. Of course, the DJ's speakers are not enough to produce good sound because he is clearly told that there will be no commitment from his end. But on the day of the wedding, it turns out there is a responsibility. The performer does not care that he did not prepare properly, and the DJ takes full responsibility for everything, struggling with the available equipment to produce a good sound. Yes, but it's not always that easy, no matter how good the DJ and his knowledge are. The result is of face value when the artist starts with his first set. The sound is terrible, and the newlyweds race to the DJ table, asking why that is. Well, how can it be? The technical characteristics dropped by the artist do not match either the equipment of the DJ or the equipment the artist brought. And the sound is terrible! Something between scratching and...the roar of a small child! Or it's so quiet that the guests' voices overpower the sound of the performance. The cacophony is complete and desperately irritating to the ear!

Here's another incident...

"They, the band, are our friends, and they'll sound themselves out to make it cheaper for us." Good! So be it! None of the group bothers to go to the site and inspect it to assess what will be needed. On the day of the wedding, a saxophone, bass guitar, lead guitar, pianos, and a singer appear. So far, so good! All are available. But the equipment brought is so lousy that the sound that comes out of it a tortured screeching of instruments and the singer's roar. Horror!

I am most happy with the cases in which the person in charge of the group claims that the equipment provided by the DJ for the event will also support the sound of the group. In this case, however, the DJ adds a certain sound value, even if he does not add technique, because it is one thing to be engaged as a DJ at a Wedding event, and another to include the sounding of a band and artists / earlier going to the location, check-sound with the band, etc. important activities/. 99% of newlyweds think it's so's some kind of console with lots of knobs that you turn left and right, and that's it... If it was so easy, why doesn't the Wedding Agent just take up this activity ?!? Or the photographer who isn’t taking pictures from time to time anyway?!? Or the videographer – does he know how to turn knobs?!?

There are strange cases in which the newlyweds hire an artist for BGN 5,000, but are not willing to pay for good sounding by this artist. The artist comes and makes a fuss about the DJ and why he doesn't have this or that. How many times have we discussed that sound is important and that we have technical characteristics that we must comply with? "No problem! We have spoken with the singer." But it turns out that they haven’t! They simply omitted, in their desire to save money, to tell her. And the singer comes and... it becomes a mess... And it's completely understandable! She has her requirements, and it is only right for the newlyweds to comply with them.

Another case…

"The group will bring everything they need! DJ has no responsibility!'

While this is being communicated, a representative of the group calls the DJ /usually in the industry everyone knows each other/ and orders equipment. The DJ notifies the Wedding Agent of this, and we, in turn, continue to communicate this to the bride and groom. "No problem!" they say. How is there no problem? Are we going to have sound or not? Will the band have sound or not? Who, in the end, has responsibility for the sound - them or the DJ?

And I like it the most... "Well, look what you can so that the sounding happens without money!" Wow! So what do I do?!? Do I pretend to be a column, a desk, a sound? This service costs money! If there is no sound budget, then bands and artists shouldn’t be booked. Or you’re supposed to look for a set of performance + sound within the budget framework that the newlyweds have set for themselves. What good is a great singer for BGN 5,000 if she won't be heard and if her performance is not going to contribute anything to the event?

There are quite a few cases where the DJ, just so that they can get away from his head, agrees to anything. Just leave him alone! And that's acceptable, but for how long?!? DJ equipment is by no means a cheap pleasure – speakers, consoles, cables, microphones, batteries, jacks and i don’t know what else... All this is very expensive! Maintenance is very expensive! Storage must be very precise and requires funds. No money here, no money there...and tomorrow there is no money for new equipment. But this is not the most labor-intensive either. It is difficult for me and my colleagues with whom we have spoken to understand why we should be concerned when newlyweds say, "Well, we are paying for our own wedding and you need to understand us." What is there to understand? And who pays the DJ’s bills? Not him!?! And he has bills to settle - equipment, support team, transport, warehouse rent, purchase of new equipment, etc. Who pays for the wedding is irrelevant! If you want the relevant service, it must be paid for. In this way, we can ask the videographer not to charge for his service, as well as the photographer, the wedding agent, the florist, and... everyone! Because newlyweds "pay for their own wedding"! It doesn't seem right, acceptable and understandable to me!

All of us, as humans, use given services. Whether for our personal event or in our everyday life. Does anyone care who pays for the given service or product!?! They shouldn't. If the newlyweds can't keep up with the budget, then they need to sit down again and think hard about what is important and what isn't important to the look of their Wedding Day. No one hides that an event, be it a Wedding or Corporate event, requires compromises.

Of course, in 15 years of experience in the event industry, I have also had clients who respected every service and rewarded the efforts to provide it. No arguments and long pointless conversations. And these are not necessarily people with funds. Rather, customers with a clear appreciation of the trade-offs they have to make with one to get another. And this is where the Wedding Agent comes to the rescue, who can specifically guide where a compromise can be made, and where not.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       (by wedding agent Adi Tsanova)

The number one rule when planning a wedding!


The number one rule when planning a wedding!

Remember this rule when planning a wedding - you are throwing a CELEBRATION! Stick to it at all times, organize things so that it is fun for both you and your guests. Let the atmosphere be as festive as possible!

In order for the celebration to be pleasant and well organized and for everyone to feel good, the most important condition is the mood. A good mood depends on and comes from many elements, but the most important of them is certainly the music. This is why you must be especially careful when choosing a DJ. Look for a responsible professional to make sure that the music will be up to par, the guests will have fun and dance. Therefore, there is nothing to overthink - the important thing is to get a real celebration.

If you let your wedding planning stress you out, it will ruin your celebration. Instead of being pleasantly excited and having fun, you will be under pressure and constantly worried about what will happen. Look for professionals to help you with both the organization of the celebration and the celebration itself. This is the only way you will be able to fully enjoy the moment and start your new life satisfied. There are things you can't control, like the climate, for example, but everything else is completely in your hands and largely depends on your team selection! This will be your wedding, don't let relatives or friends influence your decisions too much. Be guided mostly by your own desires and dreams; do not realize someone else's unfulfilled ones. Only then will you be satisfied with your celebration in the end.

For a great wedding, you need good food, alcohol, entertainment, a DJ, a photographer, and beautiful decorations... It's good to start looking and preparing things at least a month before the big day. If you have other special wishes that will make the event even more exciting and unforgettable for you, do not hesitate to include them in your program. This is one of the most important days of your life! So, if you are too busy and have doubts about whether you will be able to devote the necessary attention to the organization, hire professionals for this task as well. The wedding celebration should be wonderful, entirely to your taste. Don't compromise! Happy planning of your celebration!!!

DJ Ivan Todorov

Advice regarding hiring a DJ for a special event.


Advice regarding hiring a DJ for a special event.

Got a celebration coming up? Great! Everyone loves parties! If you're trying to decide whether to hire a DJ for your party, don't hesitate. This is the right step to a good celebration.

The first thing to consider is what type of party you are having. Whether it will be a party for a birthday, wedding or baptism, or maybe the case is different? Although the occasion is the same, the celebrations are different - the guests are of different ages, and the musical preferences also differ...

If you are organizing a children's birthday party, for example, make sure that the DJ has appropriate experience working with children. Also, remember that music should be age-appropriate. Check with the DJ and make sure he will help you control the celebration

Don't underestimate events! If the occasion is important enough that you need a DJ, look for someone who has experience. This will assure you that he will cope even if unforeseen situations arise.

When hiring a DJ for your party, one of the most important things to ask beforehand is whether he has undergone any professional training. How long has he been practicing, where has he worked?

Ask the DJ about the music he usually plays and what styles of music he works with. Take an interest in its equipment, too – it's not to be underestimated either. Ensure that there is no way for any trouble and unforeseen circumstances to arise to ruin your party.

A DJ who is a true professional should arrive at least an hour early to prepare for work and be able to lift the spirits of your guests.

Prepare a list of ideas for entertaining the attendees, as well as one with your favorite music. Also, provide general guidelines for what you want from your DJ. Ask him for ideas on how he will entertain your guests and what type of music he thinks is best for the occasion.

Take into account the DJ's voice abilities, as well as his overall vibe.

In conclusion, you don't have to choose the most expensive offer but don't be fooled by the cheapest one either. The low price will probably come at the expense of quality. Don't compromise on the important events in your life. Choose an experienced professional to make your party unforgettable.